This is a short summary of some style points to keep in mind when attempting the tasks in the Cambridge English: Advanced writing section. Part 2 of 5, click the buttons to read more about the the different styles of writing you may have to do in the exam:

Essay Email/letter Proposal Report Review


Who is the audience? This will be given in the prompt.

What is the purpose of the writing? You are usually giving information or requesting action.  You should be direct and get to the point quickly.

Is it formal? This depends on the audience.

Should I use headings or bullet points? No.

How should it start? “Dear Sir or Madam (if no name is given), I am writing to…”  This is the expected opening of a letter.  First you explain why you are writing, in the next paragraph you explain why you think you should get what you want.

How should it finish? You should clearly re-state your recommendation or desired action in your last paragraph.  This is usually followed by a “I am looking forward to…” statement and “Yours faithfully/Yours sincerely, x.”

Go back to my tips for a different section of the Cambridge English: Advanced exam

Reading Writing Listening Speaking Practice test